About Pauline Sugarman


My educational background includes a Bachelors degree in Literature, followed by a Masters in Business Administration. My emphasis was Marketing with special Focus Group studies completed with Dr. Rashi Glazor, professor of Marketing at Columbia University.

Helping Businesses Grow

Following my formal education I began to offer consulting services to businesses, helping them to clarify their goals, organize and define their marketing plans. Every business is unique, an expression of a each owner's individual passion. I love to learn about a business, what makes it unique and how to help the business to express that uniqueness so that it can connect with loyal customers.

Beyond Work

When not assisting businesses, I enjoy hiking and supporting environmental causes. I also feel a particular passion to help homeless teenagers whose numbers are skyrocketing in the current Great Recession.

View Pauline Sugarman's Resume
Pauline Sugarman
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