Strategic Marketing Planning Services

I have met so many businesses owners who are passionate about their service or product but frustrated by the results they are getting from their current marketing efforts. For the past 25 years I have had the pleasure of helping businesses to clarify their marketing strategy and reach higher levels of success from this service.

A Plan to Match Your Budget

Many businesses are concerned that a new marketing plan will be too costly. But a good marketing plan is not about the size of the budget, but rather the ability to target a message to reach and satisfy the desired client segments.

I look forward to helping you to clarify your marketing plan and position your business to attain new levels of success.

Client Comment

Pauline Sugarman showed exceptional skill in establishing relationships with businesses of all sizes, including Fortune 500 companies. She was especially gifted in her ability to define key players and establish positive relationships with these decision makers. The result for our business was a substantial increase in our client base and growth of our company.

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